
Ruins - Dan Wells The only reason that I finished this is because I wanted to find out what happened with the "love triangle". That probably doesn't say much for this book when my only concern was a love triangle. (The thing I just mentioned is definitely not a spoiler if you've read the other books but some people that haven't read them may find it as so). I know that a lot of people would love this book but it just wasn't for me.

This is why I wasn't overly excited about this book and the series as a whole:

The characters lives were in danger nearly 100% of the time and that didn't leave much time for character development. (I finally realized that was my problem with the series). I still loved Kira and Samm but in the end that wasn't enough to make me love the series.

I enjoyed the first 2 books the most but the constant "we're dying, people are shooting us/capturing us, we are running from something" parts became repetitive and tiring. I also felt like there were too many characters that were added in after book 1. Many of the chapters were dedicated to these new characters and they were somewhat undeveloped and didn't add much to my enjoyment of the story. So, long story short, it was just too much. It was all action and it felt unbalanced.

I think I'd have enjoyed this series more if Kira had been the narrator and everything told from her point of view.