Sword of Darkness

This is one of those books with a plot that exists only for the sole purpose of romance. I just can't with those books. I can tell when an author writes a plot like that, it just feels inauthentic to me. This book was based on the King Arthur tales, but instead it focused on the good girl/bad guy trope.

This trope works very well in the Fever series, but not here.
I have read one other book by this author that I really enjoyed. She went by the name of [a:Sherrilyn Kenyon|4430|Sherrilyn Kenyon|https://d.gr-assets.com/authors/1382066830p2/4430.jpg] then, and I thought this book would be a no-brainer. Wrong.
If you like romance over plot, then I think you'd probably enjoy this book. There's nothing wrong with that, it's just not for me.