
Intensity - Dean Koontz I think I have sadly hit my limit with Koontz. My first book by this author was AMAZING. The second was just as amazing. Then somewhere down the road, the villains all started to meld together. The villains became a little predictable for me because they all shared the same qualities.

Now that doesn't mean that this book didn't entertain me. There were times that my heart was racing and I was scared to death for the MC. The first 60% of the book was the best. I just wanted it to be over after that point. To be honest, I sped read the rest. I predicted everything that happened, which is bad because I can't predict much of anything. I make it a point to not look ahead during a story, but the plot in Intensity slapped me square in the face.

If you enjoy thrillers and haven't read many (or any) Koontz novels, then you will probably love Intensity. My first and favorite Koontz novels [b:Lightning|32424|Lightning|Dean Koontz||1396631] and [b:The Good Guy|32441|The Good Guy|Dean Koontz||1443220].

I'm giving this 3 stars because I loved the first 60%. I'm still going to give Odd Thomas a go later on, but I think I'm done with his other novels.