The Shadow Throne

The Shadow Throne - Jennifer A. Nielsen What an epic ending to an incredibly epic series. I really wish this series could continue. I LOVE these characters. The characters were just done so well and that is what makes a book great for me. I am a very picky reader and I couldn't find any faults with this series. I read the entire trilogy in less than a week. Jennifer A. Nielsen is a fantastic author and I will certainly read whatever she writes next. These books are meant for middle graders but it seems that anyone of any age can enjoy them. I normally turn my head at books written for children but I will keep a more open mind now. This series didn't seem juvenile to me in any way. Jaron and the other characters start out young but you get to watch them grow along the way.

This is an amazing adventure with many fights and even war but the characters are what will make you love it. You won't be bored. There's no magic but it's not needed because the story itself is magical. My only regret is not reading this sooner.

"Your test has always been the same. Be stronger than whatever life brings at you. You will rise from this." - Mott